Ten Most Popular FAQs

Can I keep my existing fax number?

Simple answer, yes. In almost all cases you can move your fax number or numbers to our service. We will provide a very simple porting form for either your local or toll-free number. Our implementation team will keep you posted as to when the number(s) will move to our service.  There is no loss of faxes during the porting process.

Do you provide new fax numbers?

Simply put, yes.  We can provide you with either a local or toll-free fax number. We can obtain new numbers in almost all area codes in the United States. Some people like to have multiple numbers in different area codes based on where their customers are located.

Is your faxing secure?

Our faxing service delivers HIPAA compliant, secure online fax solutions for healthcare providers as a standard. We are highly secure, so even the largest, most regulated organizations will have peace of mind.

I send a large number of faxes, can you handle it?

Our network is designed for organizations that send and receive large volumes of time sensitive faxes.

Is your service hard to use?

At WizeTech we understand that implementing a new solution needs to be simple. We’ve made sure that both sending and receiving faxes is simple and easy to use.

How will I send faxes now?

WizeTech offers several methods for sending faxes. Our most popular method is a print driver. To send a fax you will simple print any document to the special fax printer. However, we do offer other methods of sending.

Where will my inbound faxes go?

We offer several different delivery types for your inbound faxes. You even have a choice of receiving faxes in .pdf or .tif format. Depending on your industry, volume and ultimate destination of your faxes we will help you select what is right for you.

Will I have a cover page?

The beauty of the WizeTech faxing service is that you can have not just one cover page, but multiple ones. Let’s say that your office has 10 locations and each one needs a different cover page with a slightly different logo, that’s not a problem.

Will I have any oversight of my company faxes?

WizeTech will provide you with a management portal login which will keep track of all inbound and outbound faxes. You will be able to see where an inbound fax has been delivered to as well as who in your company is sending faxes.

Is your fax service available on PC or Mac?

We offer faxing solutions for both PC’s as well as MAC’s. The process is a little different for each, but both use the same back-end.

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